Posts tagged traumatic brain injury
Music and the Brain

multiple areas of the brain are involved in processing music, whether you’re performing it or engaging in it in some other way. When sound enters the ear, its vibrations against the eardrum convert to electric signals that travel (via nerves) to the brainstem, which relays messages to many parts of the brain. Different parts of the brain are activated depending on how we are engaging in the music, and what type of music it is.

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Music Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury

Music is highly structured, made up of multiple elements all at once- rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, timbre, genre. So to participate in even listening to music, we are using parts of our brain that deal with complex perception, motor control, emotional regulation, timing, hearing, language, memory, executive control. Music activates these areas and drives complex interaction between them. Using the simple form of music, like a 12 bar blues, we can retrain and reeducate an injured brain by making space for the brain to fill in notes and rhythm. Research has shown that learning music helps areas in the brain grow and reconnect.

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